1p Bariloche - different sizes

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1p Bariloche - different sizes

Mensaje por Rein »

I have already stated here that I very much wonder the over-emphasis on the watermarks when it is about the main listing of Argentinean stamps in catalogues. I love watermarks but when it only takes benzine to get to see it I pass ..
Ya he dicho varias veces aqui que muchas veces me pregunto sobre el enfiasis que se le da a las filigranas cuando se listan los sellos en los catalogos argentinos, pero cuando la unica forma de verlas es con bencina.....paso
The 1p Bariloche in brown has a lot of colour shades and it is assigned different main numbers in Tello Meggia when watermarks are concerned. I haven't seen anyone mention that the size has changed as well when there was a reprint with the Casa de Moneda watermark! And do not tell me that the larger size I found was a coincidence :)
El 1p Bariloche tiene un monton de tonalidades diferentes y se le asigna diferentes numeros cuando son con y sin filigrana. No he visto a nadie que mencione que el tamaño cambia tambien con la reimpresion con Filigrana CM. Y por favor no me digan que la variacion de tamaño fue una coincidencia :)

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Re: 1p Bariloche - different sizes

Mensaje por zeus25971 »

Very interesting post, Honestly I never compare them, I will do a few research with my stock and let's see if we can make it as a rule.


Muy interesante tu post. Honestamente nunca las compare, Voy a revisar un poco en mi stock y veamos si podemos tomarlo como regla

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Re: 1p Bariloche - different sizes

Mensaje por _gabf_ »

Hi, rein. I was wondering, Why don`t you want to use "bencina"?

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Re: 1p Bariloche - different sizes

Mensaje por Rein »

_gabf_ escribió:Hi, rein. I was wondering, Why don`t you want to use "bencina"?

If it were for just establishing the "right" watermark out of 2 or 3 options, it would be OK, though I am a bit scary that invasive methods may have an effect on other aspects of the stamp - colour, UV-reaction...

The charming part of Argentinean watermarks is that what the catalogues offer for information is inadequate and you need to study a great deal yourself including having a good displayable picture of that watermark. How do I do that with a fugitive picture obtained with benzine???
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Re: 1p Bariloche - different sizes

Mensaje por Rein »

Isn't a bit strange that no one has seen (or noticed) the change of size/perforation?

It more often occurs that a stamp get smaller when the perforation stroke was too short. In the case of the 2p Echeverria the comb was moving horizontally. Usually you see a slightly thicker tooth and the lefthand or righthand side:


But a narrower stamp should be met more often :)

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Re: 1p Bariloche - different sizes

Mensaje por Rein »

After the introduction of the new Goebel reel-fed photogravure press in 1968 the standard size got changed somewhat - this has been done before without many collectora seeing it! - and now the height got 1 tooth higher 26 instead of 25 and the comb - an in-line perforator on the press - was moving vertically!

Only a few of the definitives of that period had been printed on the old sheet-fed Mailander photogravure press. J. Merlo does mention this in his book on the printing methods of Argentinean stamps!

So far I only konw of the 1p Girasol in green and the 1p Bariloche in brown! Both stamps have a direction of printing horizontally and had been perforated by a separate comb also horizontally!
Última edición por Rein el 09 Jul 2009 05:50, editado 1 vez en total.
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Re: 1p Bariloche - different sizes

Mensaje por Rein »

The 1p Bariloche had been printed reel-fed on the Goebel,but (part?) of the printing also on the sheet-fed Mailander. The normal size for the Goebel was 18/26 teeth, for the Mailander 18/25 teeth. However, for 2 stamps only [?] a comb had been used with 19/26 teeth and moving horizontally - i.e. a base-line of 26 teeth! But wasn't 18 teeth more than enough???


Apparently not! And even in the normal width stamps - NB the ones printed on the Mailander! - remnants of the 19th pin can be seen with the comb moving from right to left:




The last hole of the previous stroke should have fallen in the first hole of the next stroke but that requires an enormous accuracy... Remains the question why too many pins in the side-lines????
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Re: 1p Bariloche - different sizes

Mensaje por Rein »

The first stamp printed on the new Goebel reel-fed photogravure press had been - according to J.R/. Merlo the 20p Aeronautic and Space Week issued on 02.11.1968:


A base-line of 18 teeth and a side-line of 26 teeth!

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